Sitemap - 2021 - Counting Stuff

Reflecting upon reflecting

Surviving planning from the bottom up

We have the power to be wrong with extreme confidence

Views on dashboards being answers, or not

The utility of an unwatched dashboard

It's that DS meme plane with dots again

Handling shifting survey questions

What Data Folk Were Saying about Zillow

The many faces of "Production"

Hands On: Overdoing a Static Website

Measuring broader impact is extremely hard

How do we know our thermometers are correct?

Research is a team sport, even the analysis bits

DS jargon is just everyone else's jargon

Every org has a "literature"

We should treat data science as a craft

Go collect some $#*(&% data

The delicate art of making ourselves wrong

Ways to become a Quantitative UX Researcher, w/o a PhD

Doing better with Excel

Hate leap seconds? Imagine a negative one

Where should a metric be"?

Vacation is the power say "no" by not even being there

Communicating changes with percentages is surprisingly hard

Our lives are nested orders of operation puzzles

What goes into this "Heat Index" thing?

You, too, should run a few machines

Personal growth and brands

Why we reluctantly work with regex

When scaling yourself goes a bit too far

It's Goodhart's Law again

Interview season is upon us

Let's play with some Library of Congress data!

Practical benefits of knowing how obscure systems work

Paper dive - Replication is even harder

Muddling 1/3rd through a career

Paper measurements are an endless pit of mystery

Churn is hard

Being a broad-spectrum data scientist

Why's it hard to teach data cleaning?

Measuring lengths, to somewhat absurd lengths

Scaling yourself

Hobby trains and actively using failure as a strategy

You should pick your org chart when looking at a position

Just where is the minimal stats bar for data science?

Rejecting the null based on a chart

A Busted Kitchen and Breaking User Journeys

Dumb Stonks, Prisoner's Dilemma, and Artists

The Complexity Makin' Goods

Working With Moon Eclipses Part 2

Path dependency is important to know

Challenge: Predicting [Lunar] Eclipses