Sitemap - 2022 - Counting Stuff

We need to calibrate our internal achievement scales too

We all make for a good conference experience

It's sorta odd that data science is as open as it is

Everything is on fire and you should contribute

How do we actually "pull stories out of data"?

Old dog revisits the DS job market out of curiosity

We might not see leap seconds after 2035 🤯

Heating systems, black boxes, and knowing things about systems

Groups that talk To versus talk AT each other

Staying Sharp in Data Science

What's up with Readability formulas?

We're getting to see product development done spectacularly badly

Reinforcing our data friend connections while we can

Some brief musings on SQL abstrations

In-person-only conferences are so... bleh

Working with a non-DS manager

Ways to data-drive yourself into the ground!

Logistics: a story of a stack of stickers

Seeing the data science work all around us

Poking into the weird Substack funnel

Product Work is Intention Hunting Work

Coming up with a talk proposal

Want a DS project? There's health insurance data out there

What if every dashboard self destructed

One day, the free (computing) lunch will end

How to measure a subcontinent

We need to help each other write better

Caching is our friend, until it isn't

The world isn't as polished as it appears

Data driven doesn’t mean data is driving

Self-narrating some usability testing for others

Making do with the infra we got

Optimizing for personal portability

Dashboards don't break themselves

We take our units of analysis for granted

A weekend playing with DALL-E Mini

Stories from the last downturn

Accidentally trapping ourselves with stats

We should phase the "SQL Interview" out

Let's talk a bit about giving interviews

Paper reading time - Forgetting in Data Science

Building Discords and Community

Data Management is Context Management

Comparing Quant UX Researchers w/ Data Scientists

What Sorts of Questions Quantitative UX Researchers get

You're probably on a cutting edge

Life on the abstractions of giants

Hidden treasure in the timezone database

That time I participated in Nielsen's TV Ratings

Measuring "here", coordinate systems for the Earth

Discussing AI is such a confusing mess

Celebrating everyone counting things

The gap between data science, and UX research

Reflecting on how system complexity grows

Planning quantitative work

Making space for others

Making room for mistakes

Skill Windows into the Data World

False Discovery Rates in A/B tests