Dec 13, 2022Liked by Randy Au

Long, long ago in a universe far, far away, we had a data center with 7? 8? big Univac machines. We installed Data West array processor cards into each of them. Then our FFT code began crashing randomly. After much amazing detective work by some really brilliant people, it was discovered that RF interference between adjacent cards was flipping bits. Copper plates were installed between the cards and the problem was solved. I should note that these FFT jobs would run for many hours, so the code was set up with checkpoint/restart capability, because jobs crash. There was a whole team devoted to "bomb repair" that worked 24x7. Some things never change.

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I figured out way too late in life that there is no substitute for trying things, making mistakes, and adjusting. There are no shortcuts. Often, we use this as a buffer and it prevents us from doing any hard work. It's not "doing the right thing" that gets us there, but training ourselves to perform better.

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